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Enhancing donors trust – charity monitoring and donor information

What are you looking for?

Zewo – your donation in good hands

What we do 

Zewo is setting standards for Swiss charities. These standards cover the following aspects: ethics and integrity, corporate governance, efficient use of funds, results, true and fair accounting, transparency, accountability as well as fundraising and communication. We monitor charities against these standards and award those organizations which meet our standards with the Zewo-seal. We further provide information to the public about donations, fundraising and charities in Switzerland.

What our seal means 

Charities with our seal have been monitored and do meet our standards. Donors can trust that donations will be used economically, effectively and for the designated purpose. Charities with the Zewo quality seal offer true and fair financial reporting, provide transparent information and have appropriate controls. They are honest and raise their funds in a fair manner.

How to apply 

Any NPO based in Switzerland may apply for the seal as long as they are committed to carrying out social, humanitarian and socio-cultural tasks or to protecting nature, the environment or animals.